Status of surviving plants
Amazon Swords- no algae
Anubias Barteri-central, green spot algae
Anubias Frazeri- right, green spot algae
Anubias Nana- left, green spot algae
Some moss on driftwood- mixed health
Cabomba- temporary, almost red
Anacharis- removed
3 Rummy Nose Tetras- healthy
3 Otos- healthy
2 Corydoras- healthy and large
5 galaxy rasbora- healthy
New plants:
I've added a number of plants.
Eleocharis parvula
(Dwarf Hairgrass)
Echinodorus tenellus
(Dwarf Sword)
Lilaeopsis mauritiana (Micro Narrow Leaf Sword)
Pogostemon helferi (Little Star
I'll stick with whichever seems to thrive with the conditions I can provide.
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