After much neglect I've spiffed up and ordered some new plants.
Some of the hardy plants below are survivors, most will be new.
alternanthera reineckii |
anubias barteri |
Anubias barteri var. angustifolia |
Anubias barteri var. nana |
Anubias Barteri |
cryptocoryne spiralis |
cyperus helferi |
eriocaulon cinereum sp. 'goias' |
glossostigma elatinoides |
hydrocotyle tripartita mini |
hydrocotyle verticillata |
hygrophila pinnatifida |
ludwigia-arcuata |
Microsorum pteropus (java fern) |
pogostemon erectus |
pogostemon helferi |
riccia fluitans |
rotala sp vietnam h'ra |
rotala-rotundifolia-ceylon |
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